last night i fell asleep in front of tv after dinner at home.
then my sleep was distracted. Dlm mamai2 tuh, rse mcm sumthing touching my face plus bunyi ini:
"Bgn, g basuh muke..berminyaknye muke..xcantik!!"
Hehe, that was my husband cum my beauty specialist.
He likes to examine my face.
So klu aku try ape2 produk baru n nk tau the result of the product, biasenye aku tnye die je.
And usually he noticed la (klu ade improvement, biasenye xde..)
But, despite his concern about my face, he didnt mind muke aku yg teruk (jerawat n parut) mase mule2 kenal/bercinta dulu, kan...hmm..
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
..The most touching scene on movies/tv series/drama..
today is saturday n i'm working for raya replacement..
just after lunch, there were less than 10 people still in office..mule la nyesal nape la x amik halfday or just cuti jek ari nih...nasib baik la isnin ni cuti..leh la qada' tido hehehe..
xde ape pon yg nk diupdate kat blog ni..just killing the time - menunggu kul 5..huhu..
nk cite pasal raye - mcm dh terlambat dh nk abih syawal pon..or maybe aku dh ade post pasal rye on my previous kot?aaa...penyakit pelupe nih mcm makin teruk jek...tidak!!!!
so tringt this idea yg dh lame terpk tp malas nk tulih..
first, nk kutuk filem/drama melayu..hehe..yg selalu 'over-acting' bile babak sedih..
the most fav touching moment yg sgt meberi kesan bg aku adalah:
1. Desperate Housewives Year 3.
Scene mase Susan decided to marry Ian. Mike left hs message on the answering machine.
And Susan played it again and again.
It's simple and it's real. Because to me, I would spantaneously do that, too, if in that situation.
Sgt sedih scene tu... :'(
just after lunch, there were less than 10 people still in office..mule la nyesal nape la x amik halfday or just cuti jek ari nih...nasib baik la isnin ni cuti..leh la qada' tido hehehe..
xde ape pon yg nk diupdate kat blog ni..just killing the time - menunggu kul 5..huhu..
nk cite pasal raye - mcm dh terlambat dh nk abih syawal pon..or maybe aku dh ade post pasal rye on my previous kot?aaa...penyakit pelupe nih mcm makin teruk jek...tidak!!!!
so tringt this idea yg dh lame terpk tp malas nk tulih..
first, nk kutuk filem/drama melayu..hehe..yg selalu 'over-acting' bile babak sedih..
the most fav touching moment yg sgt meberi kesan bg aku adalah:
1. Desperate Housewives Year 3.
Scene mase Susan decided to marry Ian. Mike left hs message on the answering machine.
And Susan played it again and again.
It's simple and it's real. Because to me, I would spantaneously do that, too, if in that situation.
Sgt sedih scene tu... :'(
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
..hari raya post..
today it's already 15th day of raya..
this year is the first time raya as a wife. a lot of changes, but all is well and fair. hehe.
this year is the first time raya as a wife. a lot of changes, but all is well and fair. hehe.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
..rage and anger..
all this while i've been dealing with this anger for quite some time. luckily i'm living away from this thing that annoys me like hell.
on and on, it keeps bothering me and my life, direct or indirectly. can't u just leave us alone and not making trivial things so complicated and hurting people who helped u a lot all this while?
yes, human tends to forget easily every deed that people have them to them. and you are no different at all. the typical forgetful n ungrateful thing.
how can u say such words to the person who helped u a lot without ever asking u to pay anything in return?
although u're not saying it to me, but i really dont understand how could u say such things??!!
i really hope u'll grow up and stop making other people miserable with your unwise decision.
and when u can do a little bit of 'noble deed', does it mean u cant forget all troubles u caused people around u before and that gives the license to u to forget people's sacrifice before and condemn them all along?
damn, what were u thinking??!!!
grow up, dude!!!!!
well, if u really want to play this game, then fine. let's play. u already lost long time ago. i've defeated u, cant u see?!!
on and on, it keeps bothering me and my life, direct or indirectly. can't u just leave us alone and not making trivial things so complicated and hurting people who helped u a lot all this while?
yes, human tends to forget easily every deed that people have them to them. and you are no different at all. the typical forgetful n ungrateful thing.
how can u say such words to the person who helped u a lot without ever asking u to pay anything in return?
although u're not saying it to me, but i really dont understand how could u say such things??!!
i really hope u'll grow up and stop making other people miserable with your unwise decision.
and when u can do a little bit of 'noble deed', does it mean u cant forget all troubles u caused people around u before and that gives the license to u to forget people's sacrifice before and condemn them all along?
damn, what were u thinking??!!!
grow up, dude!!!!!
well, if u really want to play this game, then fine. let's play. u already lost long time ago. i've defeated u, cant u see?!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Personality Test
You Are An ISTP |
![]() You are calm and collected, even in the most difficult of situations. A person of action and self-direction, you love being independent. To outsiders you seem impulsive, surprising, and unpredictable. You are good at understanding how all things work, except for people. In love, you tend to be very easy going and flexible. The only thing you can't stand for is someone trying to change you or your life. At work, you can stay completely calm under pressure. You handle stress well. You would make an excellent pilot, forensic pathologist, or athlete. How you see yourself: Logical, flexible, and unconventional When other people don't get you, they see you as: Indecisive, flippant, and disrespctful |
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
i am unsuccessful???
i've been told by someone close to me that i am - unsuccessful..the moment i heard that, i was like - wwhat??
that statement didnt come out from her directly, of course but no matter how the words hit me, it cut me real deep.
just because u involved in that MLM biz n claimed that u make thousands of money per month doesnt make me a failure, alright?
that statement didnt come out from her directly, of course but no matter how the words hit me, it cut me real deep.
just because u involved in that MLM biz n claimed that u make thousands of money per month doesnt make me a failure, alright?
Thursday, May 29, 2008 nerve..
it's more or less one week left before updating my status to - WIFE.
as for me who always worries a lot, this preparation thing sumtimes feels like suffocating.
yeah - i worried a lot. and might even be worrying for nothing.
thank God that i'm not the first in sibling to get married. thanks to buyan for sparing me a little space to breathe. the thought that she had been thro' this before and all is well to her, that motivates me a lot. and she even has become a mother now (which will help motivating me when the time comes later huhu)
as for invitation, i published the announcement in my friendster, in polymer yahoo grup and ssp yahoo grup.. (well, even in this blog as i'm writing this).
some people complained that i didnt announce my engagement last time. but even when i published my wedding announcement, they dont really seem to bother. but what the heck, i have my own reason for not announcing my engagement then. and it's the wedding that we have to announce to people.
right now, i just hope that all would be well and just fine - both for my wedding and marriage.
Please pray for me.
as for me who always worries a lot, this preparation thing sumtimes feels like suffocating.
yeah - i worried a lot. and might even be worrying for nothing.
thank God that i'm not the first in sibling to get married. thanks to buyan for sparing me a little space to breathe. the thought that she had been thro' this before and all is well to her, that motivates me a lot. and she even has become a mother now (which will help motivating me when the time comes later huhu)
as for invitation, i published the announcement in my friendster, in polymer yahoo grup and ssp yahoo grup.. (well, even in this blog as i'm writing this).
some people complained that i didnt announce my engagement last time. but even when i published my wedding announcement, they dont really seem to bother. but what the heck, i have my own reason for not announcing my engagement then. and it's the wedding that we have to announce to people.
right now, i just hope that all would be well and just fine - both for my wedding and marriage.
Please pray for me.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
..Kisah Borang Nikah..
Macam-macam dugaan nak kawen..Pas satu-satu..
Ari ni aku pegi submit borang kahwin dengan harapan akan dapat setel hari ni jugak walaupon dlm hati aku ade terdetik jugak yang "x akan setel ari ni".
rupenye betulla kata hati aku td tuh..Petugas kaunter tuh suruh aku pegi blok A, tingkat 4 tuk ambik kebenaran kawen sbb name aku. Kene mintak kebenaran istana la, menghadap sultan ke ape tah die ckp...Aku terkedu seketika..Xpenah terpk plak yg itu akan jadi dugaan aku kali ni..igtkan borang xlengkap ke, lampiran xlengkap ke..
Aku yang patah hati terus buat keputusan utk daftar kat kemaman ajek. Sebab menurut adik aku yang dh berkahwin dulu ataupun melangkah bendul dlm erti kate lain, kat terengganu xde plak perkara seperti itu..
Ayah aku kate, die takut org istana kawen lari ngn org biase..Tapi klu kat terengganu, mmg dh ramai name cam kitorg so dh xheran..kelakar..tah pape kerenah birokrasi kerajaan nih. memeningkan kepala aku jek..
Ari ni aku pegi submit borang kahwin dengan harapan akan dapat setel hari ni jugak walaupon dlm hati aku ade terdetik jugak yang "x akan setel ari ni".
rupenye betulla kata hati aku td tuh..Petugas kaunter tuh suruh aku pegi blok A, tingkat 4 tuk ambik kebenaran kawen sbb name aku. Kene mintak kebenaran istana la, menghadap sultan ke ape tah die ckp...Aku terkedu seketika..Xpenah terpk plak yg itu akan jadi dugaan aku kali ni..igtkan borang xlengkap ke, lampiran xlengkap ke..
Aku yang patah hati terus buat keputusan utk daftar kat kemaman ajek. Sebab menurut adik aku yang dh berkahwin dulu ataupun melangkah bendul dlm erti kate lain, kat terengganu xde plak perkara seperti itu..
Ayah aku kate, die takut org istana kawen lari ngn org biase..Tapi klu kat terengganu, mmg dh ramai name cam kitorg so dh xheran..kelakar..tah pape kerenah birokrasi kerajaan nih. memeningkan kepala aku jek..
Thursday, April 17, 2008
i am an aunt now...congratulation sis, for your cute little princess. so happy for you. ;)
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Hormat keputusan istana
KUALA LUMPUR 23 Mac – Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri Terengganu perlu menghormati keputusan yang dibuat oleh Majlis Penasihat Pemangku Raja (MPPR) dan tidak seharusnya menolak pelantikan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Kijal, Datuk Ahmad Said sebagai Menteri Besar secara terbuka.
Ketua UMNO Bahagian Cheras, Datuk Syed Ali Al- Habshee berkata, tindakan UMNO Terengganu yang menentang secara terang-terangan pilihan MPPR itu secara tidak langsung mencerminkan sikap biadap mereka yang tidak menghormati kedaulatan kesultanan Melayu.
‘‘Kalau kita ada masalah kita kena duduk berbincang, sultan adalah kedaulatan orang Melayu, saya khuatir rakyat hilang kepercayaan.
‘‘Bukan dengan cara macam ini (bantah), kurang ajar dengan Sultan,’’ katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Semalam, MPPR mengeluarkan kenyataan yang menamakan Ahmad Said, 51, sebagai Menteri Besar Terengganu yang baru.
Pelantikan tersebut mengenepikan Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri, Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh yang mendapat watikah pelantikan sebagai Menteri Besar bagi penggal kedua daripada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berikutan kemenangan besar pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12 pada 8 Mac lalu.
Ekoran kenyataan daripada Pejabat Sultan Terengganu itu, 23 ADUN Barisan Nasional (BN) menolak pelantikan itu dan berikrar berdiri teguh di belakang kepimpinan Idris.
Syed Ali memberitahu, tindakan UMNO Terengganu itu sendiri tidak seiring dengan apa yang diperjuangkan oleh parti tersebut selama ini terhadap kedaulatan Raja-Raja Melayu.
Malah katanya, perbuatan menentang keputusan yang dibuat oleh MPPR oleh UMNO Terengganu seperti ‘meludah ke langit, terkena muka sendiri’.
‘‘Kita marah apabila DAP memulaukan keputusan Istana Perak, malah, kita memaki-hamun DAP kerana menderhaka kepada Sultan tetapi di Terengganu keadaan terbalik pula, UMNO Terengganu sanggup menentang Sultan yang juga merupakan Yang di-Pertuan Agong secara terbuka,’’ tegasnya.
Beliau memberitahu, UMNO Terengganu perlu mengambil iktibar dengan situasi yang berlaku pada ketika ini dan bukannya memalukan orang Melayu sebegini rupa.
‘‘Saya minta mereka hentikan perkara mengarut ini, jangan sampai rakyat hilang keyakinan,’’ ujarnya.
Syed Ali turut menggesa UMNO Terengganu agar menyelesaikan perbalahan mengenai jawatan Menteri Besar Terengganu mengikut saluran yang betul dan menanganinya dengan cara yang berhemah.
My personal comment: I just have few questions.
1.What is with Idris Jusoh?
2.What is with Terengganu? (Because things has settled in Perlis and even in the mixed-govern state (Perak, Selangor)- but is still not in Terengganu)
3.What is the difference between UMNO Terengganu and DAP Perak?
4.Lastly, (not a question) i think we're starting to smell sumthing fishy. Let's wait and see.
KUALA LUMPUR 23 Mac – Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri Terengganu perlu menghormati keputusan yang dibuat oleh Majlis Penasihat Pemangku Raja (MPPR) dan tidak seharusnya menolak pelantikan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Kijal, Datuk Ahmad Said sebagai Menteri Besar secara terbuka.
Ketua UMNO Bahagian Cheras, Datuk Syed Ali Al- Habshee berkata, tindakan UMNO Terengganu yang menentang secara terang-terangan pilihan MPPR itu secara tidak langsung mencerminkan sikap biadap mereka yang tidak menghormati kedaulatan kesultanan Melayu.
‘‘Kalau kita ada masalah kita kena duduk berbincang, sultan adalah kedaulatan orang Melayu, saya khuatir rakyat hilang kepercayaan.
‘‘Bukan dengan cara macam ini (bantah), kurang ajar dengan Sultan,’’ katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Semalam, MPPR mengeluarkan kenyataan yang menamakan Ahmad Said, 51, sebagai Menteri Besar Terengganu yang baru.
Pelantikan tersebut mengenepikan Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri, Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh yang mendapat watikah pelantikan sebagai Menteri Besar bagi penggal kedua daripada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berikutan kemenangan besar pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12 pada 8 Mac lalu.
Ekoran kenyataan daripada Pejabat Sultan Terengganu itu, 23 ADUN Barisan Nasional (BN) menolak pelantikan itu dan berikrar berdiri teguh di belakang kepimpinan Idris.
Syed Ali memberitahu, tindakan UMNO Terengganu itu sendiri tidak seiring dengan apa yang diperjuangkan oleh parti tersebut selama ini terhadap kedaulatan Raja-Raja Melayu.
Malah katanya, perbuatan menentang keputusan yang dibuat oleh MPPR oleh UMNO Terengganu seperti ‘meludah ke langit, terkena muka sendiri’.
‘‘Kita marah apabila DAP memulaukan keputusan Istana Perak, malah, kita memaki-hamun DAP kerana menderhaka kepada Sultan tetapi di Terengganu keadaan terbalik pula, UMNO Terengganu sanggup menentang Sultan yang juga merupakan Yang di-Pertuan Agong secara terbuka,’’ tegasnya.
Beliau memberitahu, UMNO Terengganu perlu mengambil iktibar dengan situasi yang berlaku pada ketika ini dan bukannya memalukan orang Melayu sebegini rupa.
‘‘Saya minta mereka hentikan perkara mengarut ini, jangan sampai rakyat hilang keyakinan,’’ ujarnya.
Syed Ali turut menggesa UMNO Terengganu agar menyelesaikan perbalahan mengenai jawatan Menteri Besar Terengganu mengikut saluran yang betul dan menanganinya dengan cara yang berhemah.
My personal comment: I just have few questions.
1.What is with Idris Jusoh?
2.What is with Terengganu? (Because things has settled in Perlis and even in the mixed-govern state (Perak, Selangor)- but is still not in Terengganu)
3.What is the difference between UMNO Terengganu and DAP Perak?
4.Lastly, (not a question) i think we're starting to smell sumthing fishy. Let's wait and see.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Malaysia decide
i'm not too much of a political person. but in a way, i do have my own opinion.
at first, i just wanted PAS to win in Terengganu (and of course, to stay as Kelantan's govt). too dissapointed that PAS lost in Terengganu - again. What were these people thinking??Being a "bandaraya pesisir air" citizen is really that great??? Having Monsoon Cup also can feed them???
If it is really so, then how come we still have to 'migrate' to other side of the country to find a job if we dont really have big cable to work in Terengganu?
ECER la konon...
one of my office mate claimed that "byk yg dlm rancangan Bersamamu tu orang Kelantan" - haha...If they want to make every episode to be about only poor Kelantan people, do you people really think that only Kelantan people is poor in Malaysia??
Oh, i forgot, every johor citizen is RICH, that's why they have their 'setinggan' population, right?
at first, i just wanted PAS to win in Terengganu (and of course, to stay as Kelantan's govt). too dissapointed that PAS lost in Terengganu - again. What were these people thinking??Being a "bandaraya pesisir air" citizen is really that great??? Having Monsoon Cup also can feed them???
If it is really so, then how come we still have to 'migrate' to other side of the country to find a job if we dont really have big cable to work in Terengganu?
ECER la konon...
one of my office mate claimed that "byk yg dlm rancangan Bersamamu tu orang Kelantan" - haha...If they want to make every episode to be about only poor Kelantan people, do you people really think that only Kelantan people is poor in Malaysia??
Oh, i forgot, every johor citizen is RICH, that's why they have their 'setinggan' population, right?
Thursday, January 31, 2008
yesterday while driving back from office, i listened to Mix.FM.
my all-time favourite deejay was on air but sadly, he announced that it was going to be his last shift.
even i dont know much about him, and recently, i didnt listen that much to him - but surely, i am going to miss his voice. All the best to you, Ross...
and right after his announcement, one summarization of my life in terms of music flashed in my mind.
started from my life at Sespi, i started to learn about music - which i bought my first cassette - NOW. it was an complition album with Bon Jovi, Wet Wet Wet, MLTR, Ace of Base and a few more (that i'm sure i'll remember if i try harder..)
I even bought Backstreet Boys' during the first few years in Sespi.
Then, influnced by my uncle (my late Paksu), i started to listen to OAG, Nirvana, Metallica, Cranberries, Saturnine, Greenday, Butterfingers, a few other local underground band. Those years were like learning to listen to good songs as well as learning things in friendship. Most of the songs still in my list - so does all my friends back then.
During my years at college, now that i'm refresehing the memory and relate it with music, all i can think is - at that stage of my life - those are the best songs shared with good friends. A lot of songs that are still in my favourite was from during that stage of life.
Like Yellow (The Calling), (Yellow) Coldplay, (Kryptonite, Loser) 3 Doors Down, Ava Adore (Smashing Pumpkins) and the list goes on...
we shared one radio and listened to same songs, sometimes even scribble the lyrics in the lecture hall. college life was the shortest, but the friendship i think was one of the deepest. really miss you guys, even now, maybe we're all on our own path, and some might even forget, but to me, you guys are always close to my heart. all songs seem good, maybe because i share it with good friends. that was when i started to listen to Sheila on 7...
going to uni, i think that was my depression stage. a lot of sad things happened during that stage, so, for as long as i can remember, listening to that time's song reminds me to only pain. Songs from Evanescene (Bring Me To Life, My Immortal), Linkin' Part (Numb, Somewhere I Belong), Coldplay (The Scienties), Sheila on 7 (Buat Aku Tersenyum), Creed, Story of The Year (Until The Day I Die), 3 Doors Down (Here Without You), Peterpan (Semua Tentang Kita)..I even bought Eminem's cassette on my first year - because listening to his life disappointments made me feel that i wasnt alone.
Even good songs remind me of disappointment. Too many painful things and there was not really anyone to cry on.
Now I guess I'm back to normal. I am with Syam. Funny, he doesnt listen to my favourite music and i dont listen to his. But so far, we get along just fine. Sometimes, i couldnt help but laughing everytime he listens to his songs while driving and singing heartfully along with the song. I wasnt laughing at his choice of music but i found it amusing on how different we are, but still, we manage to keep this relationship strong.
As for me, I'm still listening to my stuff. Currently fall in love with "Hey There Delilah" - Plain White T's.
my all-time favourite deejay was on air but sadly, he announced that it was going to be his last shift.
even i dont know much about him, and recently, i didnt listen that much to him - but surely, i am going to miss his voice. All the best to you, Ross...
and right after his announcement, one summarization of my life in terms of music flashed in my mind.
started from my life at Sespi, i started to learn about music - which i bought my first cassette - NOW. it was an complition album with Bon Jovi, Wet Wet Wet, MLTR, Ace of Base and a few more (that i'm sure i'll remember if i try harder..)
I even bought Backstreet Boys' during the first few years in Sespi.
Then, influnced by my uncle (my late Paksu), i started to listen to OAG, Nirvana, Metallica, Cranberries, Saturnine, Greenday, Butterfingers, a few other local underground band. Those years were like learning to listen to good songs as well as learning things in friendship. Most of the songs still in my list - so does all my friends back then.
During my years at college, now that i'm refresehing the memory and relate it with music, all i can think is - at that stage of my life - those are the best songs shared with good friends. A lot of songs that are still in my favourite was from during that stage of life.
Like Yellow (The Calling), (Yellow) Coldplay, (Kryptonite, Loser) 3 Doors Down, Ava Adore (Smashing Pumpkins) and the list goes on...
we shared one radio and listened to same songs, sometimes even scribble the lyrics in the lecture hall. college life was the shortest, but the friendship i think was one of the deepest. really miss you guys, even now, maybe we're all on our own path, and some might even forget, but to me, you guys are always close to my heart. all songs seem good, maybe because i share it with good friends. that was when i started to listen to Sheila on 7...
going to uni, i think that was my depression stage. a lot of sad things happened during that stage, so, for as long as i can remember, listening to that time's song reminds me to only pain. Songs from Evanescene (Bring Me To Life, My Immortal), Linkin' Part (Numb, Somewhere I Belong), Coldplay (The Scienties), Sheila on 7 (Buat Aku Tersenyum), Creed, Story of The Year (Until The Day I Die), 3 Doors Down (Here Without You), Peterpan (Semua Tentang Kita)..I even bought Eminem's cassette on my first year - because listening to his life disappointments made me feel that i wasnt alone.
Even good songs remind me of disappointment. Too many painful things and there was not really anyone to cry on.
Now I guess I'm back to normal. I am with Syam. Funny, he doesnt listen to my favourite music and i dont listen to his. But so far, we get along just fine. Sometimes, i couldnt help but laughing everytime he listens to his songs while driving and singing heartfully along with the song. I wasnt laughing at his choice of music but i found it amusing on how different we are, but still, we manage to keep this relationship strong.
As for me, I'm still listening to my stuff. Currently fall in love with "Hey There Delilah" - Plain White T's.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
..neverending questions..
what does it take to make the right decision?
what if we've mistakenly chosen the wrong path? could we possibly turn back and start over again?or, are things never be the same again?
how do we know when to stop or when to work things out?
and even if things look still bearable, what if it's wrong to stay?
what if it's wrong to be patience?
when things are painful today, we all hope for a better tomorrow. But what if it's still raining tomorrow?
is it true that time heal all pain?
why are things are too fragile and are too difficult?
is it all my fault - when i've tried the best that i can?
the sad thing is, i dont have the answers at all.
what if we've mistakenly chosen the wrong path? could we possibly turn back and start over again?or, are things never be the same again?
how do we know when to stop or when to work things out?
and even if things look still bearable, what if it's wrong to stay?
what if it's wrong to be patience?
when things are painful today, we all hope for a better tomorrow. But what if it's still raining tomorrow?
is it true that time heal all pain?
why are things are too fragile and are too difficult?
is it all my fault - when i've tried the best that i can?
the sad thing is, i dont have the answers at all.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
..low self-esteem..
i am the person who easily gives up. always predict things would always turn out bad - which is always does. i am esily turned down, because i have problem with my self-esteem. some people sort of made fun of me getting help from those self-help books, but i have to admit, i am fragile and i need to refresh and patch up my soul often.
sometimes i just dont have the courage to change and even to appreciate myself more. my self-esteem is extremely low.
right now, i really feel low - due to one thing just happened. i asked myself 'what is wrong with me?' which i couldnt answer.
i just heard myself questioning me back - 'what exactly that can make me happy?'
love, career, companion, money, what?
i think the real problem is that i worry too much. yeah, people say worries do not lessen the burden of tomorrow, they lessen the strength of today..i know that, but still, i am worried.
maybe i should just go back home and rest.
sometimes i just dont have the courage to change and even to appreciate myself more. my self-esteem is extremely low.
right now, i really feel low - due to one thing just happened. i asked myself 'what is wrong with me?' which i couldnt answer.
i just heard myself questioning me back - 'what exactly that can make me happy?'
love, career, companion, money, what?
i think the real problem is that i worry too much. yeah, people say worries do not lessen the burden of tomorrow, they lessen the strength of today..i know that, but still, i am worried.
maybe i should just go back home and rest.
Monday, January 7, 2008
sumtimes i wish i could just shout "SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!".
how does it feel to talk about yourself only all day long?dont you feel tired bragging about yourself?for Godsake, please shut up...
how does it feel to talk about yourself only all day long?dont you feel tired bragging about yourself?for Godsake, please shut up...
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